Typology >Alentour des habitations privées

Alentour des habitations privées


Ces surfaces de culture forment l’ensemble des surfaces végétalisées entourant les maisons et pavillons privés, elles se caractérisent par de petites parcelles fortement entrecoupées et parsemées d’usages privés multiples. L’installation des surfaces de culture et de production n’est possible que par l’initiative personnelle.

Contexte urbain

Les quartiers de villas et pavillons sont, la plupart du temps, situés en limite des centres urbains, séparant ville et campagne. La densité de la population y est peu importante et la distance entre les habitants et les commerces à contrario importante. La vocation des habitations est quasi uniquement résidentielle.

Composante environnementale

Les jardins privés sont définis par une grande variété de plantes ornementales et des terrains riches, voire même trop riches. La forte couverture végétale implique une difficulté de mise en place des surfaces de culture.


Initiative privée. Entretien privé. Commun possible, mais pas simple (mise en place des systèmes type SPIN). Terrain purement privé. Production ultralocale. Mise en place rapide. Accès direct au lieu de production. Liens concrets entre la production et la consommation. Peu de gaspillage dans la chaîne de production.


Surface réduite. Terrain fortement entrecoupé. Terrain purement privé. Vecteur de conflit de voisinage.



Idroponia in aulide

Matera. italy

A model in 1:1 scale hydroponic urban agriculture has been designed and built next to a house in the Sassi Area of Matera ( Basilicata, South Italy ). Hydroponics is a growing technique that uses …
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Urban capacity testing

FUI Parallel Projects 7

Method for calculating neighborhood size and agricultural yields

1. Select Swiss city and plausible site for new construction

2. Calculate capacity of need for case-study area based upon daily population (residential and other)

3. Locate new neighborhood based upon general …
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Ravine city

1255 ravine city portrait

The Toronto Ravine System, running like fingers through the city and housing diverse ecosystems, is Toronto’s defining natural feature. The artificial ravines function much like natural ravines – controlling water flow, cleansing the air as well as creating habitat and …
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Walkley Micro Allotment Network

1205 Walkley

Studio Polpo has worked with Transition Crookes/Walkley to develop the micro-allotment network, being piloted in the Walkley area of the city.

This initiative has created a series of small plots for growing fruit, herbs and vegetables out of currently disused …
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Foldable Greenhouse

1080 urban greenhouse

Daniel Schipper, a Dutch designer realized a portable and foldable greenhouse for city gardens and terrariums. The greenhouse is constructed with little to no framework of recycled plastic. The container is scaled for easy movement and relocation, can be simply …
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Mithun Center for Urban Agriculture

1043 Center for Urban Agriculture P

Conceived as a “living building” which draws resources from its immediate environment to become self-sufficient, the proposal for the Center for Urban Agriculture features gray and rain water collection systems, photovoltaic cells, vegetable gardens, greenhouses and a chicken farm. The …
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Bag/Sack Gardens

1033 Sack Garden

The slums of Nairobi house more than 60 percent of the population; Kibera slum being the second biggest. Agricultural land remains scarce and in December 2007, due to post-election violence, food prices rose by 50% in six months. The French …
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Back to Front

1032 Leeds

Back to Front is a community organization set up to promote food growing in front gardens so that they ‘look good and taste better’.

The scheme was initially inspired by the Bangladeshi people of Leeds who often used their front …
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« Nouveaux jardins »/ Bunte Gärten


Many refugees, asylum seekers and migrants suffer from dislocation and little social contact and the alienation can create psychological consequences.

In HEKS Neue Gärten Bern (New Gardens Bern) persons of migrational background jointly cultivate these family gardens, not only as …
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Eethuis / Eathouse

1071 eethius D

The Eathouse is a scaffolding structure which accommodates plastic crates which are planted with fruits and vegetables. The scaffolding forms a “house” shape, and the planted modular crates become the walls and ceiling. Because the crates are modular and the …
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Urban Farm Concepts

1015 Urban Farm Concept P

Urban Farm Concepts is a two-man business that sells simple yet highly functional, small to medium coops and greenhouses.  In addition, the plan to release other urban farming products in the future.

In response to a market filled with high-priced …
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Kippen House Chicken house and roof garden

1007 P

The Kippen House is a modular chicken coop that can fit in small yards or urban spaces. In addition to the chicken roost, space along the walls and roof are used as planters for small food gardens. They are made …
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