
UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop eco sustainable production systems, so called Aquaponics, between fish and vegetables. Our mission is to produce local food for the city, in the city. www.urbanfarmers.ch

READ ATLANTIC ARTICLE: http://www.theatlanticcities.com/arts-and-lifestyle/2013/03/farming-technique-will-revolutionize-way-we-eat/4880/

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Aquaculture in a geodesic dome


“Ever since R. Buckminster Fuller popularized the design in the mid-20th century, there’s been something captivating about the geodesic dome. While the structure typically makes architecture lovers salivate, now it’s conquering the heart of another type of urbanist: the …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
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