NYC Public Access Orchard

1017 NYC public access orchard

Newtown Pippin Restoration are reintroducing and cultivating the historically significant Newton Pippin apple tree in New York by donating trees to local community gardens, schools, environmental groups and other public spaces to ensure the trees can be publicly accessed.
The …
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Walkley Micro Allotment Network

1205 Walkley

Studio Polpo has worked with Transition Crookes/Walkley to develop the micro-allotment network, being piloted in the Walkley area of the city.

This initiative has created a series of small plots for growing fruit, herbs and vegetables out of currently disused …
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Dakakker Urban Rooftop Farm

1241 Dakakker

As part of the 5th International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam, the Rotterdam Test Site has included the city’s first rooftop garden on top of the Schieblock building. The garden houses vegetables. herbs and bees, with the produce being distributed to local …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
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The Potential for Urban Agriculture in New York City

“Developing agricultural capacity within or close to urban areas like New York City has the potential to reduce food transportation costs and environmental impacts, provide economic development opportunities, and reduce disparities in healthful access that have contributed to epidemic rates …
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Urban Agriculture Casablanca

1177 Casablanca logo A3

“The project analyses to what extent Urban Agriculture can make a relevant contribution to climate-optimised and sustainable urban development as an integrative factor in urban growth centres. Urban Agriculture is understood as every form of informal or formal agricultural production …
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Farming Concrete

1077 farming concrete P

Farming Concrete is a research endeavor that seeks to quantify community gardens in New York City. By measuring the area of the land being farmed, the amount of food being grown, and a economic value of that food, they begin …
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Casa Huerta

1042 Casa Huerta Buenos Aires e P

Casa Huerta is a group of young professionals from various design fields working to address the health and infrastructural needs of the rapidly urbanizing cities in Brazil. By working with agronomists, the group has developed prototypes of “house and garden” …
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