Author Archives: Craig Verzone


About Craig Verzone

Craig P. Verzone is a principal at Verzone Woods Architectes and team leader of the Food Urbanism Initiative.

Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes, Andre Viljoen, Joe Howe

This book on urban design extends and develops the widely accepted ‘compact city’ solution. It provides a design proposal for a new kind of sustainable urban landscape: Urban Agriculture. By growing food within an urban rather than exclusively rural environment, …
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3rd Annual Urban Agriculture Conference, NYC


The Horticultural Society of New York presents our 3rd Annual Urban Agriculture Conference, being held in May 2013 in New York City. This year’s conference will focus on increasing the awareness of food security in our struggling economy and …
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5th AESOP Conference on Sustainable food planning – Montpellier, France

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We are pleased to inform you that the 5th AESOP Conference on Sustainable food planning will be held in Montpellier, France on October 28-29, 2013. This conference will focus on innovations in urban food systems, with specific sessions on flows, …
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International Colloquium of Urban Agriculture – Casablanca, Morocco


The  action-research project Urban Agriculture as an Integrative Factor for Climate-Optimised Urban Development, Casablanca (UAC 2005-2013), supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the research program Future Megacities, is organising a closing event on the …
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TEDx Manhattan – Changing the Way We Eat, NYC

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On Saturday, February 16th, 2013, TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way We Eat” will be held at the Times Center in New York City. This one-day TEDx event will explore the food system as we shift to a more …
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Agriculture Conference – Dornach, Switzerland


The shadows cast by our globalised civilisation are putting natural vitality and the socialcontext of life under increasing threat. As a biodynamic movement we are trying to protect and support life through our daily engagement with farms, with seeds, apprenticeship …
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2nd Edition Dau of Urban Agriculture


After the great success of the first Day of Urban Agriculture in 2012, will take place on April 25, 2013 the 2nd edition in the Doelen in Rotterdam. During this National Platform in broad perspective the opportunities and constraints of
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The 2013 Urban Agriculture Summit – Linköping, Sweden

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“We need transformative solutions on how we can feed the cities in the urban era. The 2013 Urban Agriculture Summit in Linköping, Sweden, is a unique opportunity for leading experts from various disciplines, academia, and the members and stakeholders of …
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The First Global Soil Week – Berlin


Soils are fundamental pillars of sustainable development. They are essential for food security, support human well-being, and provide further ecosystem services, such as carbon storage. They are not only essential but also severely threatened, suffering a continuous decline in quality …
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IFPRA 2012 European Congress – Basel


The IFPRA 2012 European Congress will be held in Basel from 5-7 September 2012. Apart from outstanding contributions by international experts, you can also discover the city of Basel and in particular the public greenery. We will take you on …
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4th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference – Berlin

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With global population predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050 and a degree of urbanization already exceeding 50%, questions of food security and sustainability are gaining ever increasing prominence among researchers and politicians.

At the same time that urbanisation …
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Call For Abstracts: Food, the City, and Innovation – The University of Texas at Austin, USA

The University of Texas at Austin and Boston University is pleased to
announce the second annual Food and the City Conference, to be held on *February 1st and 2nd, 2013*. The theme of the conference is food innovation and

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Aquaculture in a geodesic dome


“Ever since R. Buckminster Fuller popularized the design in the mid-20th century, there’s been something captivating about the geodesic dome. While the structure typically makes architecture lovers salivate, now it’s conquering the heart of another type of urbanist: the …
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Urban Agriculture Basel

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As a nonprofit organization , the Urban Agriculture Network Basel encourages the production of foods, herbs , flowers , livestock and medicinal plants , living in the city of Basel and the agglomeration people. In this case , the association …
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Food and the City, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C.


The intricate interrelationship between urban context and food production, central to the current debate on sustainability, will be the focus of the 2012 Garden and Landscape Studies symposium at Dumbarton Oaks. It will explore the links between culture and cultivation, …
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Transforming Cities: How Food Systems Shape Cities, NYC

Biocities NYC

BioCities and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University will debut their first seminar in an educational series entitled: Transforming Cities: How Food Systems Shape Cities. We will take an in-depth look …
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2012 Urban Agriculture Summit

2012 Urban Agriculture Summit multi-page Overview

Around the world people are growing food in cities! From August 15 to 18, the 2012 Urban Agriculture Summit will bring together a diversity of people that are making it happen – design professionals, community groups, social housing advocates, tenants …
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RIO+20 U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development – Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture


Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food security covers availability, access, utilization …
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2nd Symposium on Horticulture in Europe – Angers, France


AGROCAMPUS OUEST organise, du 1er au 5 juillet 2012, le 2e Symposium européen d’horticulture (SHE 2012) sous l’égide de l’ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science) et des sociétés nationales d’horticulture membres de l’ISHS et en partenariat avec l’Inra, le Cirad, …
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Eco-Cities and Ecological Engineering – IEES/ZHAW Symposium 2012, Wädenswil, Switzerland


“Our world is approaching a phase where several resources will become scarce at the same time: energy, nutrients, water availability, space… The wealth and well-being of coming generations will depend on us being able to adapt our economies to the …
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Critical geographies of urban agriculture: trajectories towards an alternative urbanism, Edinburgh, 3 – 5 July 2012

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 3 – 5 July 2012

“Outline: Urban agriculture (UA) is a practice that has recently gained the attention of the media, local government and community groups in the cities of the Global …
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International Conference on Multifunctional Agriculture and Urban-Rural Relations, The Netherlands, 1-4 April

Agriculture in an urbanizing society

“Research on multifunctional agriculture and changing urban-rural relations is highly fragmented,  both disciplinarily and geographically, which is due to the multiplicity of activities, the multi-scalar character of multifunctionality and the geographical contextuality of expressions of multifunctional agriculture. Hence, this conference …
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The Potential for Urban Agriculture in New York City

“Developing agricultural capacity within or close to urban areas like New York City has the potential to reduce food transportation costs and environmental impacts, provide economic development opportunities, and reduce disparities in healthful access that have contributed to epidemic rates …
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“Working at a range of scales and with a variety of practical and theoretical models, we will review and elaborate definitions of sustainable food systems, and begin to define ways of achieving them. To this end 4 different themes have …
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Urban Agriculture Business Forum, Seattle


“Do you wonder about permitting and zoning issues that affect urban food production? Do you know that there are business services available to help “grow” your business? Ever wonder how other small sectors have developed? Connect with representatives from the …
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Food Urbanism Sessions at the IFLA 2011 Congress in Zurich

Food Urbanism will be one of the dozen topics being discussed at this year’s annual International Federation of Landscape Architects congress in Zurich. On Monday, June 27, two sessions will feature presentations from eight speakers currently preparing work and research …
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Ecocity World Summit in Montreal


“We are delighted to invite you to attend the Ecocity World Summit 2011, to be held August 22-26 in Montréal. What are those at the forefront of Ecocity thought, practice, policy and implementation saying about the issues that are important …
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Resilience in Urban Design – 4th International Urban Design Conference in Amsterdam

Resilience in Urban Design

“The theme for the 4th International Urban Design Conference is Resilience in Urban Design through measures such as supported interconnectivity, appropriate densification within urban footprints, multiple transit modes and walkability, socially inclusive design, economic resilience, and adaptive built environments. Resilience
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IFOCM hosts Urban Agriculture Pre-Conference in Gyeonggi, Korea

IFOAM Korea Congress 2011

The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement IFOCM will host a Pre-Conference on the subject Urban Agriculture in the Republic of Korea. The goal will be “to discuss how to solve the issue of reduced farming land caused by urbanization …
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The Value of Urban Agriculture – Stormwater Management Study

The Brooklyn Grange (rooftop farm) and Added Value (raised beds) begin research into the potential of urban farming as a stormwater management measure. After successfully raising the seed money via to finance the purchase of equipment, this collaboration between …
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