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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Quartier de la praille, genève
Ce site est appréhendé comme une articulation majeure entre différentes formes et activités urbaines (concentration des grands axes de communication, plate-forme multimodale, quartiers d’affaires, quartiers d’habitations etc.), entre grandes entités paysagères identitaires de la région et espaces urbains genevois.
L’image …
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Malley, Arrêt sur image
Ce projet promeut la création d’un quartier à forte densité aux qualités urbaines supérieures, alliant les traces du passé aux besoins du monde d’aujourd’hui, le tout dans un esprit d’ouverture pour un futur durable.
La ville se construit au …
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My Master Thesis in Urban Agriculture_Roma Tre University a.a.2012/2013
The thesis develops a research project in Rome suburbs and it takes account of an area where is expected the edification of 2 new neighborhoods for 4500 inhabitants.
We asked ourselves …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains
Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Les Plaines-du-Loup, Métamorphose
Permettant d’associer la production alimentaire à une démarche urbanistique, le projet de concours VWA pour les Plaines-du-Loup considère l’activité agricole comme un élément qualifiant les espaces libres du quartier et lui conférant une forte identité. Ne cherchant pas à concurrencer …
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Centrale de biométhanisation de la ville de lausanne et cuisine froide du CHUV
Une usine de biométhanisation (30’000m2) et une cuisine de préparation d’aliments froids pour le CHUV sont projetés au sein du périmètre «Coeur du P.A.R.C.» du parc d’agglomération de la Blécherette, plus précisément à proximité de la ferme de Cery. La …
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Agro-Housing, a multi-storey apartment block proposal by Israeli practice Knafo Klimor Architects, was the winning submission for a site in China in the second Living Steel international design competition in 2007. It is one of the many proposals seen in …
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Evergreen Brick Works
Evergreen Brick Works is a community environmental center for cutting-edge ideas, technologies, and solutions for urban sustainability. In the center of the coplex, many activities related to education, production, and distribution of local food occur daily. Additionally, the community works …
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Le 56 – Ecointerstice
‘Le 56′ is located on a formerly unused piece of land which had remained undeveloped due to outstanding conflicts between building developers and the municipality. In an attempt to resolve the issue, the commune of Paris invited Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée …
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Ravine city
The Toronto Ravine System, running like fingers through the city and housing diverse ecosystems, is Toronto’s defining natural feature. The artificial ravines function much like natural ravines – controlling water flow, cleansing the air as well as creating habitat and …
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Incredible edible
Incredible Edible is a campaign group for local food in an ex-industrial Yorkshire market town. They support and encourage a number of food related projects throughout the town some of which are located in unconventional locations such as the graveyard …
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Slow food
Slow food is a human network to defending agricultural biodiversity and supporting food and taste education. It was founded to counter the rise of fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in …
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Growing Power
The mission of Growing power is “to grow food, to grow minds, and to grow community.” Focusing its efforts on underserved urban neighborhoods, Growing Power strives to increase access to local food, education and training, and economic opportunity.
Its production …
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Greenhouse Village
Greenhouse Village is a concept that enables a complete decentralized solution for energy and water supply, waste and water treatment and recycling of nutrients through a shared system between greenhouses and homes. Dutch greenhouses account for almost 100% of the …
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Walkley Micro Allotment Network
Studio Polpo has worked with Transition Crookes/Walkley to develop the micro-allotment network, being piloted in the Walkley area of the city.
This initiative has created a series of small plots for growing fruit, herbs and vegetables out of currently disused …
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Via Verde
Its name Via Verde, meaning “the green way,” is an affordable housing complex in the South Bronx. The complex features 151 units of affordable rental housing and 71 moderate-income units oriented around a community garden and a series of green …
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Foldable Greenhouse
Daniel Schipper, a Dutch designer realized a portable and foldable greenhouse for city gardens and terrariums. The greenhouse is constructed with little to no framework of recycled plastic. The container is scaled for easy movement and relocation, can be simply …
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“ECObox is a temporary garden constructed out of recycled materials”. It is a series of self-managed projects in the La Chapelle area of northern Paris which encourage residents to get access to and critically transform temporary misused or underused spaces. …
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Brooklyn Grange
Brooklyn Grange Farm is a 1-acre rooftop garden on top of a 1919 industrial building in Queens, New York. The Farm is a commercial enterprise, selling produce to restaurants and businesses, as well as directly to the consumer through two …
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Bastille Restaurant Rooftop Garden
Bastille cafe, like many organic and sustainable restaurants, source their products from local farmers and purveyors whenever possible. However Bastille Cafe has taken this a step further by sourcing vegetables from their own roof. A 4,500 square foot garden of …
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Bag/Sack Gardens
The slums of Nairobi house more than 60 percent of the population; Kibera slum being the second biggest. Agricultural land remains scarce and in December 2007, due to post-election violence, food prices rose by 50% in six months. The French …
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Back to Front
Back to Front is a community organization set up to promote food growing in front gardens so that they ‘look good and taste better’.
The scheme was initially inspired by the Bangladeshi people of Leeds who often used their front …
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Vivero Organoponico Alamar
The central part of this cooperative endeavor is built from recycled materials: wood, tin roofing, hand painted signs and one building with windows that clearly came from a bus. Eighty tons of food per acre are produce on the site …
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Farview Park, RIVERFIRST Project
The winning entry for the Minneapolis Riverfront Competition, the RIVERFIRST Project establishes a design framework to address 4 challenges for the 21st century: water, health, mobility and green economy. RIVERFIRST design initiatives function at multiple scales to link larger natural, …
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Dongtan Eco-Project
The newly designed city responds to an intense urbanization of the rural population. Planned double-decker organic farms replaces agriculture lost to building. All waste is recycled for agriculture or energy. In some cases former agricultural land will be returned to …
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Urban Agriculture Basel
As a nonprofit organization , the Urban Agriculture Network Basel encourages the production of foods, herbs , flowers , livestock and medicinal plants , living in the city of Basel and the agglomeration people. In this case , the association …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
WATCH TED TALK: TEDxZurich – Roman Gaus on urban farming…
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Hantz Farms Detroit
Hantz Farms Detroit aims to create the world’s largest urban farm. As Detroits population and economy have declined over the years, much of the city is vacant or dispersed across the city limits. John Hantz sees urban agriculture as a …
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Hanging Gardens of Barcelona
The Hanging Gardens of Barcelona is a studio project by Nicola Placella and Magnus Svensson of The Why Project, headed by Winy Maas. The project explores the scale at which urban agriculture would need to occur to make Barcelona at …
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Eethuis / Eathouse
The Eathouse is a scaffolding structure which accommodates plastic crates which are planted with fruits and vegetables. The scaffolding forms a “house” shape, and the planted modular crates become the walls and ceiling. Because the crates are modular and the …
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Farming Concrete
Farming Concrete is a research endeavor that seeks to quantify community gardens in New York City. By measuring the area of the land being farmed, the amount of food being grown, and a economic value of that food, they begin …
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Greensgrow Farms
Encompassing a entire city block in North Philadelphia’s gridded urban layout, Greensgrow Farm is situated on the former site of a galvanized steel plant which is designated as a brownfield site by the United States Environmental Protect Agency. The farm …
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Eagle Street Rooftop Farms
Eagle Street Rooftop Farm is a large rooftop garden in a dense urban area. The building owners worked with Goode Green to develop and install the base greenroof. Crops are planted in 10 – 15cm of soil and 3 bee …
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Curran House
Curran House is a high density affordable housing structure in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. There is a garden on the first floor entrance which leads to a courtyard in the back, serving as a “decompression” garden as one moves from …
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44th Street Organiponico
Situated in concrete raised beds in an old parking lot, the 44th St. Organoponico garden fertilizes the soil using worm compost and magnetizes the water to reduce the build up of minerals in the beds. They use plants such as …
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The Value of Urban Agriculture – Stormwater Management Study
The Brooklyn Grange (rooftop farm) and Added Value (raised beds) begin research into the potential of urban farming as a stormwater management measure. After successfully raising the seed money via to finance the purchase of equipment, this collaboration between …
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Southeast False Creek – Olympic Village
Southeast False Creek (constructed as the Vancouver Winter Olympic Athlete Village) has an extensive urban agricultural strategy that guides the developers as well as public agencies and private citizens in integrating agriculture into every piece of the development. It sits …
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