Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!

“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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Edible Campus – The University of Quebec, Montreal

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Campus Comestibles is a set of four initiatives for four university campuses. Montreal students are working hard to promote urban agriculture and eventually be able to feed themselves thanks to the university’s production. The University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) …
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Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes, Andre Viljoen, Joe Howe

This book on urban design extends and develops the widely accepted ‘compact city’ solution. It provides a design proposal for a new kind of sustainable urban landscape: Urban Agriculture. By growing food within an urban rather than exclusively rural environment, …
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Bagnolet’s Shepherd

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Gilles Amar, a young shepherd and holder of an agricultural title, had wanted to introduce farm animals in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the city of Bagnolet, where he grew up. He and his herd composed of sheep and goats move from green …
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TEDx Manhattan – Changing the Way We Eat, NYC

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On Saturday, February 16th, 2013, TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way We Eat” will be held at the Times Center in New York City. This one-day TEDx event will explore the food system as we shift to a more …
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Incredible edible

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Incredible Edible is a campaign group for local food in an ex-industrial Yorkshire market town. They support and encourage a number of food related projects throughout the town some of which are located in unconventional locations such as the graveyard …
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Green thumb

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GreenThumb provides programming and material support to over 500 community gardens in New York City. Workshops, which are the access point for supplies, are held every month of the year, covering gardening basics to more advanced farming and community organizing …
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Slow food

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Slow food is a human network to defending agricultural biodiversity and supporting food and taste education. It was founded to counter the rise of fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in …
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Growing Power

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The mission of Growing power is “to grow food, to grow minds, and to grow community.”  Focusing its efforts on underserved urban neighborhoods, Growing Power strives to increase access to local food, education and training, and economic opportunity.
Its production …
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Edible Public Space

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Edible Public Space is an experimental project of food growing in public space in Leeds. The Edible Public Space is based on providing resources for cheap and healthy food allocation within disadvantaged neighborhoods; bringing back an essential element in life …
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Community Vehicular Reclamation Project


A car towed from the junkyard was filled with soil, the body work painted, planted with herbs, flower and vegetables then parked up on the street in the Kensington Market area of Toronto. This installation was one of the many …
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100-Mile Diet


The 100-Mile Diet is a non-fiction book where the authors, Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon, recount their experiences on restricting their diet for a year to foods only grown within 100 miles of their residence. Finding little in grocery stores, …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
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Five Boroughs Farm

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Five Borough Farm is a project headed by The Design Trust for Public Space which seeks to develop strategies to support food urbanism across New York city. Working with the growers themselves, group creates “a shared framework and tools to …
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CPULs: Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes

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Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) is a design concept advocating the coherent introduction of interlinked productive landscapes into cities as an essential element of sustainable urban infrastructure. Central to the CPUL concept is the creation of multi-functional open urban space …
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Edible City

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The documentary film, Edible City, explores issues and meanings surrounding food urbanism in the San Francisco Bay Area. Food security, self-sufficiency, energy costs and the development of a community around the movement of food urbanism is explored.

This film is …
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Food Urbanism Sessions at the IFLA 2011 Congress in Zurich

Food Urbanism will be one of the dozen topics being discussed at this year’s annual International Federation of Landscape Architects congress in Zurich. On Monday, June 27, two sessions will feature presentations from eight speakers currently preparing work and research …
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Ecocity World Summit in Montreal


“We are delighted to invite you to attend the Ecocity World Summit 2011, to be held August 22-26 in Montréal. What are those at the forefront of Ecocity thought, practice, policy and implementation saying about the issues that are important …
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IFOCM hosts Urban Agriculture Pre-Conference in Gyeonggi, Korea

IFOAM Korea Congress 2011

The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement IFOCM will host a Pre-Conference on the subject Urban Agriculture in the Republic of Korea. The goal will be “to discuss how to solve the issue of reduced farming land caused by urbanization …
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