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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!
“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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Earthling + Seedling addresses the preciousness of resources such as water and energy, the cycle of growing, planting,
harvesting and enjoying plants for food and the relationships of people and place.
Water is a resource which …
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Quartier de la praille, genève
Ce site est appréhendé comme une articulation majeure entre différentes formes et activités urbaines (concentration des grands axes de communication, plate-forme multimodale, quartiers d’affaires, quartiers d’habitations etc.), entre grandes entités paysagères identitaires de la région et espaces urbains genevois.
L’image …
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Malley, Arrêt sur image
Ce projet promeut la création d’un quartier à forte densité aux qualités urbaines supérieures, alliant les traces du passé aux besoins du monde d’aujourd’hui, le tout dans un esprit d’ouverture pour un futur durable.
La ville se construit au …
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Landworks laboratorio del paesaggio 2012 (L3)
The Landworks laboratorio del paesaggio 2012 (L3) situates its activity within the second official installation of Landworks. Founded by the assemblage of eleven young researchers from North America, Europe and Asia, the team performs within the geomorphologic limits of the …
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Idroponia in aulide
Matera. italy
A model in 1:1 scale hydroponic urban agriculture has been designed and built next to a house in the Sassi Area of Matera ( Basilicata, South Italy ). Hydroponics is a growing technique that uses …
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M.E.P La Casaz
Le MEP de la Casaz, à Bulle vise la qualité d’intégration paysagère d’un nouvel ensemble de logements dans un tissu villageois de faible densité. Le site, à proximité immédiate du centre, offre un cadre paysager exceptionnel bénéficiant de vues remarquables, …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains
Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Les Parties, Yverdon-les-bains
L’équipe pluridisciplinaire pour Les Parties, pilotée par Urbaplan avec la participation de VWA pour la thématique paysage, a abordé l’urbanisation d’un espace actuellement agricole, pris entre la frange urbaine existante et le viaduc. Le programme prévu pour ce secteur inclut …
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Les Plaines-du-Loup, Métamorphose
Permettant d’associer la production alimentaire à une démarche urbanistique, le projet de concours VWA pour les Plaines-du-Loup considère l’activité agricole comme un élément qualifiant les espaces libres du quartier et lui conférant une forte identité. Ne cherchant pas à concurrencer …
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Centrale de biométhanisation de la ville de lausanne et cuisine froide du CHUV
Une usine de biométhanisation (30’000m2) et une cuisine de préparation d’aliments froids pour le CHUV sont projetés au sein du périmètre «Coeur du P.A.R.C.» du parc d’agglomération de la Blécherette, plus précisément à proximité de la ferme de Cery. La …
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Troy Gardens
Troy Garden is growing certified organic food including a community garden, a school training programs and a Community farm of 6 ha. The aim of the project are: learn to grow and prepare array of garden vegetables and fruits, increase …
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Colony farm
The Colony Regional Farm Sustainability Plan (COLSP) outlines a future where Colony Farm is a physical and virtual place for research, learning, and experimentation into the integration of sustainable food systems, wildlife, recreation and community. The concept of an on-site …
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Slow food
Slow food is a human network to defending agricultural biodiversity and supporting food and taste education. It was founded to counter the rise of fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in …
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21 acres Community agriculture center
21 Acres is a non-profit organization with a vision to create and operate a vital, open public space for everyone to rediscover the agricultural heritage of Washington region and learn about cutting-edge, sustainable agricultural design and technologies as well as …
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Brick City Urban Farms and EarthBoxes
Brick City Urban Farms began using EarthBoxes when they created an urban farm (with the help of the newly elected mayor) on an unused parcel of land in Newark. The soil on this plot was polluted and unsuitable for growing …
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Bag/Sack Gardens
The slums of Nairobi house more than 60 percent of the population; Kibera slum being the second biggest. Agricultural land remains scarce and in December 2007, due to post-election violence, food prices rose by 50% in six months. The French …
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Back to Front
Back to Front is a community organization set up to promote food growing in front gardens so that they ‘look good and taste better’.
The scheme was initially inspired by the Bangladeshi people of Leeds who often used their front …
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100-Mile Diet
The 100-Mile Diet is a non-fiction book where the authors, Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon, recount their experiences on restricting their diet for a year to foods only grown within 100 miles of their residence. Finding little in grocery stores, …
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CPULs: Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) is a design concept advocating the coherent introduction of interlinked productive landscapes into cities as an essential element of sustainable urban infrastructure. Central to the CPUL concept is the creation of multi-functional open urban space …
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Farm on Wheels
A competition sponsored by GOOD Magazine to reinvent the farmer’s market prompted Mia Lehrer+Associates to propose a truck that deliveries fresh produce directly to communities, a la an ice cream truck.
Farm on Wheels is a bit of a misnomer …
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Casa Huerta
Casa Huerta is a group of young professionals from various design fields working to address the health and infrastructural needs of the rapidly urbanizing cities in Brazil. By working with agronomists, the group has developed prototypes of “house and garden” …
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Alemany Farms
Alemany Farms is a volunteer-run farm set between residential areas, playfields and a highway. There are in-ground plantings, raised beds, hoop houses, and areas for educational groups to gather.
The Alemany Farm is a non-profit organization which uses the farm …
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