The Agri-food & Agri-environmental Economics Group

The AFEE is a group of scientists (agricultural economists, economists and geographers) led by Prof. Dr. Bernard Lehmann who form part of the Institute for Environmental Decisions of the ETH Zurich. With their research they aim to enhance the understanding of the interrelationships between an increasing global food demand and the limited natural resources available for that purpose. The two main fields of their research activities are the economics of food-systems and the economics of agro-ecosystems.

On one hand, AFEE aims to understand and model market performance, supply chains and global – local interactions within food systems while on the other, they analyze the agro-ecosystem using modes to achieve an optimal mix in the provision of ecosystem services and marketable goods. The two main fields are integrated by analyzing decision making, modeling optimal solutions (positive and normative) and creating simulations.

Within FUI the research the AFFE contribution centers on the population’s perception of agriculture. This aim is aided by the group’s rich experience within this field, their contribution to the Univox studies (see TUTKUN et al. 2007) and their study for the Swiss Farmer’s Union regarding the social expectations towards Swiss agriculture (Huber et al. 2007). A PhD thesis on the population’s attitudes and expectations regarding agriculture and related issues was completed in 2011 (Haller in press). In addition, while directing the NRP 48, Bernard Lehmann gained insight into other projects touching the social need and perceptions regarding landscape and space (see Lehmann et al. 2007).


Prof. Dr. Bernard Lehmann, Dr. Michel Dumondel, Therese Haller
Agri-Food & Agri-Environmental Economics Group
Sonneggstrasse 33
ETH Zürich
CH-8092 Zürich

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