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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!
“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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AGRI-Culture – ville et champs, Geneva 2014
AGRI-Culture addresses three basic topics: the recovery and reclamation of water, the growing, planting, harvesting and
celebrating of food and the appropriation and animation of place.
Rainwater harvesting is an essential component to successful
urban agriculture projects. …
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Earthling + Seedling addresses the preciousness of resources such as water and energy, the cycle of growing, planting,
harvesting and enjoying plants for food and the relationships of people and place.
Water is a resource which …
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Quartier de la praille, genève
Ce site est appréhendé comme une articulation majeure entre différentes formes et activités urbaines (concentration des grands axes de communication, plate-forme multimodale, quartiers d’affaires, quartiers d’habitations etc.), entre grandes entités paysagères identitaires de la région et espaces urbains genevois.
L’image …
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Idroponia in aulide
Matera. italy
A model in 1:1 scale hydroponic urban agriculture has been designed and built next to a house in the Sassi Area of Matera ( Basilicata, South Italy ). Hydroponics is a growing technique that uses …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains
Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Les Parties, Yverdon-les-bains
L’équipe pluridisciplinaire pour Les Parties, pilotée par Urbaplan avec la participation de VWA pour la thématique paysage, a abordé l’urbanisation d’un espace actuellement agricole, pris entre la frange urbaine existante et le viaduc. Le programme prévu pour ce secteur inclut …
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Les Plaines-du-Loup, Métamorphose
Permettant d’associer la production alimentaire à une démarche urbanistique, le projet de concours VWA pour les Plaines-du-Loup considère l’activité agricole comme un élément qualifiant les espaces libres du quartier et lui conférant une forte identité. Ne cherchant pas à concurrencer …
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Légumes du lac : Bains des Pâquis, geneva
L’insertion de la production alimentaire en milieu urbanisé est un processus pouvant répondre à différentes logiques, à la fois top-down comme nous avons pu le voir précédemment ou bottom-up. L’exemple des Bains des Pâquis résulte d’une impulsion individuelle, née d’une …
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ParcFertile – Winning Entry for Urban Farm Park Competition in Bernex
ParcFertile, a submission by Verzone Woods Architects in Rougemont, Switzerland, has won the international competition to build an urban farm park on about 9 hectares of land in Bernex, Switzerland.
The farm features a variety of production types, including vegetables, …
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Mole Hill Community Housing
Mole Hill Community Housing Project is noteworthy not only for the retention and restoration of 26 heritage buildings, creation of 170 units of affordable housing, and a child-care precinct, but also for the incorporation of significant sustainable design features. It …
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Troy Gardens
Troy Garden is growing certified organic food including a community garden, a school training programs and a Community farm of 6 ha. The aim of the project are: learn to grow and prepare array of garden vegetables and fruits, increase …
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Foldable Greenhouse
Daniel Schipper, a Dutch designer realized a portable and foldable greenhouse for city gardens and terrariums. The greenhouse is constructed with little to no framework of recycled plastic. The container is scaled for easy movement and relocation, can be simply …
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Community Vehicular Reclamation Project
A car towed from the junkyard was filled with soil, the body work painted, planted with herbs, flower and vegetables then parked up on the street in the Kensington Market area of Toronto. This installation was one of the many …
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Bus Roots
Bus Roots is a living garden planted on the roofs of city buses, an effort that rose out of New York City designer Marco Antonio Castro Cosio’s graduate thesis at NYU. The project aims to reclaim the forgotten space on …
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