Where do your vegees come from ?


Where do your vegetables come from? In big cities people tend to forget where and how food is produced. The installation was an effort to bring together food consumption and production in a simple direct way. The aim of the …
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My Master Thesis in Urban Agriculture_Roma Tre University a.a.2012/2013

The thesis develops a research project in  Rome suburbs and it takes account of an area where is expected the edification of 2 new neighborhoods for 4500 inhabitants.
We asked ourselves …
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Bagnolet’s Shepherd

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Gilles Amar, a young shepherd and holder of an agricultural title, had wanted to introduce farm animals in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the city of Bagnolet, where he grew up. He and his herd composed of sheep and goats move from green …
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Guerrilla Grafters: Splicing fruit-Bearing Branches Onto City Trees

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In 2013, Vancouver completed the largest urban orchard in North America. The site, a former gas station, is rented by Sole Food from the city of Vancouver for $1 per year. Situated near a train station, this once abandoned site …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
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