What is Food Urbanism?
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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Earthling + Seedling addresses the preciousness of resources such as water and energy, the cycle of growing, planting,
harvesting and enjoying plants for food and the relationships of people and place.
Water is a resource which …
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Farm-Fresh Foods in Vending Machines
The Peter-und-Paul-Hof farm teamed up with the vending machine manufacturer Stuewer to dispense farm-fresh produce, including eggs, milk, cheese and sausage. Theses vending machines are located in thirteen nearby German towns in order to increase availability of such products to …
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Farm on Wheels
A competition sponsored by GOOD Magazine to reinvent the farmer’s market prompted Mia Lehrer+Associates to propose a truck that deliveries fresh produce directly to communities, a la an ice cream truck.
Farm on Wheels is a bit of a misnomer …
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Cuisine Urbaine
Cuisine Urbaine is a collaboration of artists and designers who developed a small mobile kitchen which resembled a vending cart. The project is aimed to act as an urban activator and catalyst of encounters, exchanges, actions, and dialogues in different …
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Sharecropper NYC Micro Farming
Artist Leah Gauthier began exploring how people interact with food by building small pots from seed packages and distributing them around NYC. The artist is now using organic growing methods to plant rare and endangered heirloom vegetables and herbs, and …
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