Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains

Le Bey Block _BBA

Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Les Parties, Yverdon-les-bains

11048_110901_Présentation (dragged) 2

L’équipe pluridisciplinaire pour Les Parties, pilotée par Urbaplan avec la participation de VWA pour la thématique paysage, a abordé l’urbanisation d’un espace actuellement agricole, pris entre la frange urbaine existante et le viaduc. Le programme prévu pour ce secteur inclut …
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Greenhouse Village

1096 cycle system

Greenhouse Village is a concept that enables a complete decentralized solution for energy and water supply, waste and water treatment and recycling of nutrients through a shared system between greenhouses and homes. Dutch greenhouses account for almost 100% of the …
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Deltapark Agropark

1060 Deltapark

The Delta Park represents a combination of non-land-reliant intensive sectors with industrial processing, located on an industrial estate in an urban setting. It combines glasshouse horticulture, protein production, abattoirs, meat processing, waste sorting, recycling, product processing, bio-refinery, the production of …
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Vivero Organoponico Alamar

1026 Alamar Food Coop P2

The central part of this cooperative endeavor is built from recycled materials: wood, tin roofing, hand painted signs and one building with windows that clearly came from a bus. Eighty tons of food per acre are produce on the site …
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Greenport Venlo “fresh food and business park”

1018 FreshPark Venlo

Fresh Park Venlo is a fresh & food business park compromising of a clustering of companies and suppliers, from growers to transport companies, from traders to packing companies and from bulk to ready-to-cook fresh products.

The business park has ideal …
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Bieslandse Boven Polder

1001 Bieslandse c

Jan Duijndam manages his organic dairy farm on a historic polder while at the same time managing a natural preserve and wetlands. Recreation is woven around all functions. The Bieslandse Polder was once rural land but is now bordered by …
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