What is Food Urbanism?
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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!
“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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Where do your vegees come from ?
Where do your vegetables come from? In big cities people tend to forget where and how food is produced. The installation was an effort to bring together food consumption and production in a simple direct way. The aim of the …
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Bus Roots
Bus Roots is a living garden planted on the roofs of city buses, an effort that rose out of New York City designer Marco Antonio Castro Cosio’s graduate thesis at NYU. The project aims to reclaim the forgotten space on …
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CPULs: Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) is a design concept advocating the coherent introduction of interlinked productive landscapes into cities as an essential element of sustainable urban infrastructure. Central to the CPUL concept is the creation of multi-functional open urban space …
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Science Barge
The Science Barge is a closed system urban farm located on a barge docked in Yonkers, NY. The plants are grown in dense hydroponic systems where collected rainwater and purified river water are recycled through the system. The barge also …
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