Guerrilla Grafters: Splicing fruit-Bearing Branches Onto City Trees

1281 diagram

In 2013, Vancouver completed the largest urban orchard in North America. The site, a former gas station, is rented by Sole Food from the city of Vancouver for $1 per year. Situated near a train station, this once abandoned site …
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“Le jardin des amis de Thônex”

1053 Thônex

Since 2005, the non-profit organisation Equiterre (Equiterre – Partner for sustainable development) promotes the development of urban gardens in the heart of neighbourhoods on unused land through its project “Potager Urbain” (with the support of the Loterie Romande). Equiterre supports …
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Walkley Micro Allotment Network

1205 Walkley

Studio Polpo has worked with Transition Crookes/Walkley to develop the micro-allotment network, being piloted in the Walkley area of the city.

This initiative has created a series of small plots for growing fruit, herbs and vegetables out of currently disused …
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Edible Public Space

1070 Leeds

Edible Public Space is an experimental project of food growing in public space in Leeds. The Edible Public Space is based on providing resources for cheap and healthy food allocation within disadvantaged neighborhoods; bringing back an essential element in life …
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« Nouveaux jardins »/ Bunte Gärten


Many refugees, asylum seekers and migrants suffer from dislocation and little social contact and the alienation can create psychological consequences.

In HEKS Neue Gärten Bern (New Gardens Bern) persons of migrational background jointly cultivate these family gardens, not only as …
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1191 Hyperlocavore P

Hyperlocavore, A Yardsharing Community, connects people who have space to grow with people who are willing to do the growing. A website allows user to search for either space or a willing garden in their area. Establishing this connection between …
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