AGRI-Culture – ville et champs, Geneva 2014

Villes et champs 26022013 PLAN 1TO250_MT


AGRI-Culture addresses three basic topics: the recovery and reclamation of water, the growing, planting, harvesting and

celebrating of food and the appropriation and animation of place.


Rainwater harvesting is an essential component to successful
urban agriculture projects. …
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O’Hare Urban Garden


In 2011, Chicago O’Hare installed the world’s first aeroponic garden in an airport. Chard, jalapeno peppers, lettuces, tomatoes, herbs, and other products are grown without the use of soil in a tower of nutrient solution. There are twenty six towers …
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Edible Park, City Farm Herweijerhoeve, Zuiderpark

1004 edible p M

The project is part of the Hague city farm Herweijerhoeve in the Zuiderpark and the Amateur Market Gardener’s Association ‘Nut en Genoegen’. Permaculture is used although the goal is primarily educational and artistic. The public is encouraged to interact with …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
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Pasona 02

1136 Pasona 02

Pasona 02 is a 1 sq. km. farm in the basement of a 27-storey in Tokyo’s business district. Growing more than 100 plants using hydroponics, climate control, and flourescent light reflected by the silver foil paper walls, the farm provides …
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Sharecropper NYC Micro Farming

1012 P2

Artist Leah Gauthier began exploring how people interact with food by building small pots from seed packages and distributing them around NYC. The artist is now using organic growing methods to plant rare and endangered heirloom vegetables and herbs, and …
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