Centrale de biométhanisation de la ville de lausanne et cuisine froide du CHUV


Une usine de biométhanisation (30’000m2) et une cuisine de préparation d’aliments froids pour le CHUV sont projetés au sein du périmètre «Coeur du P.A.R.C.» du parc d’agglomération de la Blécherette, plus précisément à proximité de la ferme de Cery. La …
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Growing Power

1199 plan

The mission of Growing power is “to grow food, to grow minds, and to grow community.”  Focusing its efforts on underserved urban neighborhoods, Growing Power strives to increase access to local food, education and training, and economic opportunity.
Its production …
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Hanging Gardens of Barcelona

1100 hanging gardens A1

The Hanging Gardens of Barcelona is a studio project by Nicola Placella and Magnus Svensson of The Why Project, headed by Winy Maas. The project explores the scale at which urban agriculture would need to occur to make Barcelona at …
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