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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
schéma directeur du nord lausannois (sdnl), chantier 4a
Le chantier 4a du SDNL, portant sur les «Stratégies de préservation et d’évolution de la nature et du paysage», appelle à émettre des propositions générales pour l’entier du périmètre du secteur ainsi qu’une vision plus concrète pour sa partie sud …
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Bagnolet’s Shepherd
Gilles Amar, a young shepherd and holder of an agricultural title, had wanted to introduce farm animals in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the city of Bagnolet, where he grew up. He and his herd composed of sheep and goats move from green …
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The “Private Garden Plot Act” in Russia
In 2003 the Russian President signed into law a further “Private Garden Plot Act” enabling Russian citizens to receive free of charge from the state, plots of land in private inheritable ownership. Sizes of the plots differ by region but …
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