Pavillon, EPFL

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The landscape strategy transforms the EPFL into an Agro-Pastoral Campus which combines the meeting, study, and events spaces of a campus with productive, prairie, wild, and wetland biotope communities to reawaken the connection to pre-existing conditions. These biotopes …
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Malley, Arrêt sur image

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Ce projet promeut la création d’un quartier à forte densité aux qualités urbaines supérieures, alliant les traces du passé aux besoins du monde d’aujourd’hui, le tout dans un esprit d’ouverture pour un futur durable.

La ville se construit au …
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Le 56 – Ecointerstice

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‘Le 56′ is located on a formerly unused piece of land which had remained undeveloped due to outstanding conflicts between building developers and the municipality. In an attempt to resolve the issue, the commune of Paris invited Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée …
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