AGRI-Culture – ville et champs, Geneva 2014

Villes et champs 26022013 PLAN 1TO250_MT


AGRI-Culture addresses three basic topics: the recovery and reclamation of water, the growing, planting, harvesting and

celebrating of food and the appropriation and animation of place.


Rainwater harvesting is an essential component to successful
urban agriculture projects. …
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Colony farm

Colony Farm Regional Park Map

The Colony Regional Farm Sustainability Plan (COLSP) outlines a future where Colony Farm is a physical and virtual place for research, learning, and experimentation into the integration of sustainable food systems, wildlife, recreation and community. The concept of an on-site …
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Franklin permaculture garden

1261 portrait

The UMass Permaculture Initiative is a unique sustainability program that converts unproductive grass lawns on campus into ecological, socially responsible, and financially sustainable permaculture landscapes that are easy to replicate. The permaculture garden provides food for the campus dining facilities …
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