BioCities and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University will debut their first seminar in an educational series entitled: Transforming Cities: How Food Systems Shape Cities. We will take an in-depth look at the ecological, social and economic issues surrounding our ability to feed cities. Special guests will debate the questions: How can NYC tap our regional farm economy? How can food systems integrate with urban ecologies? Can urban farming work as a viable economic enterprise and scale successfully in a dense urban environment? What is the potential of agriculture for renewing the natural capital and infrastructure of cities? Our event will feature a locally provided lunch (sponsored by Whole Foods Market) and a chance to hear from some of the featured providers – Gotham Greens, Organic Valley, Simply Grazin’ and Westport Aquaculture.
*Evening Panel (6:30 pm – 8:00 pm)
Carolyn Steel: Author of Hungry City
Brian Halweil: Editor, Edible East End, and Publisher, Edible Brooklyn and Edible Manhattan
Tim Beatley: Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities, School of Architecture UVA, Author of Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning
Adam Freed: Deputy Director, NYC Mayor’s Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability
*evening panel will also be participating in daytime sessions !
Daytime Sessions (8:00 am – 5:30 pm)
Tom Jost: Senior Urban Strategist, Parsons Brinckerhoff & event co-coordinator
Kathleen Bakewell: Executive Director, BioCities & event co-coordinator
Brian Kenet: Harvard University & event co-coordinator
Alec Baxt: FarmingUp
Tyler Caruso, Erik Facteau: Seeing Green
Kubi Ackerman: Columbia Urban Design Lab
Tristam Coffin: Whole Foods Market
Nick Lichter: Organic Valley
Captain Jeff Northrop, Sr.: Westport Aquaculture
Ken Jaffe: Slope Farms
Patrick Hooker: Empire State Development Corporation
Robert LaValva: New Amsterdam Market
Abby Jo Sigal: Enterprise Community Partners
Katie Scallon: Low Income Investment Fund
Megan M. Gregory: Cornell University
Lilah C. Zautner: Neighborhood Progress
Leigh Kusovitsky: United Way of NYC- Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program
Transforming Cities is a series of transdisciplinary discussions to provoke and inspire new ideas and directions for city infrastructure and its related physical, economic and social systems. The series is presented by BioCities and The Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
Generous support is provided by:
Whole Foods Market
Enterprise Community Partners
Low Income Investment Fund
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Specially crafted food and refreshments provided throughout the day by
Neuman’s Catering
in collaboration with Whole Foods Market
and their selected local food producers
Our partners for this event are Edible Manhattan and Urban Green Council.
Additional support is provided by:
Regional Plan Association & American Planning Association
and the Green Rabbits
Learning Credits offered: ASLA: 7.5 LA CES HSW CE, GBCI: 7.5 CE Hours for all LEED APs, all LEED APs with specialties and all green LEED associates, APA: AICP CM Credits pending (7.5 anticipated)
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