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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
M.E.P La Casaz

Le MEP de la Casaz, à Bulle vise la qualité d’intégration paysagère d’un nouvel ensemble de logements dans un tissu villageois de faible densité. Le site, à proximité immédiate du centre, offre un cadre paysager exceptionnel bénéficiant de vues remarquables, …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains

Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Centrale de biométhanisation de la ville de lausanne et cuisine froide du CHUV

Une usine de biométhanisation (30’000m2) et une cuisine de préparation d’aliments froids pour le CHUV sont projetés au sein du périmètre «Coeur du P.A.R.C.» du parc d’agglomération de la Blécherette, plus précisément à proximité de la ferme de Cery. La …
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Urban Orchard

In 2013, Vancouver completed the largest urban orchard in North America. The site, a former gas station, is rented by Sole Food from the city of Vancouver for $1 per year. Situated near a train station, this once abandoned site …
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60 Richmond Street East Housing Co-operative

60 Richmond Street East, an 11-storey, 85-unit apartment building designed for the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, is the first Toronto co-operative housing project built within the last twenty years. The project, designed by Teeple Architects, was able to combine design …
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Rooftop farming in Romainville

The project is born out of the reclamation of a 60s social housing project and plans to integrate a rooftop greenhouse system that will support urban rooftop farming. The mixed use building allows communities to reduce the distance between food …
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Greenhouse Village

Greenhouse Village is a concept that enables a complete decentralized solution for energy and water supply, waste and water treatment and recycling of nutrients through a shared system between greenhouses and homes. Dutch greenhouses account for almost 100% of the …
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Center for the Environment

At Catawba College‘s Center for the Environment are developing two urban agriculture initiatives: a green roof for the science building and a new high efficiency greenhouse.
The college is using a high efficiency Suncatcher greenhouse that deals with the problem …
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Foldable Greenhouse

Daniel Schipper, a Dutch designer realized a portable and foldable greenhouse for city gardens and terrariums. The greenhouse is constructed with little to no framework of recycled plastic. The container is scaled for easy movement and relocation, can be simply …
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Queen Elizabeth Health Centre Rooftop garden

The container garden is a project of Biotop-AAC, a company set up by Valiquette and the agriculture department to find commercial applications. The garden produced more than 113 kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables in it’s first year and the …
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Deltapark Agropark

The Delta Park represents a combination of non-land-reliant intensive sectors with industrial processing, located on an industrial estate in an urban setting. It combines glasshouse horticulture, protein production, abattoirs, meat processing, waste sorting, recycling, product processing, bio-refinery, the production of …
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Community Vehicular Reclamation Project

A car towed from the junkyard was filled with soil, the body work painted, planted with herbs, flower and vegetables then parked up on the street in the Kensington Market area of Toronto. This installation was one of the many …
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The “Private Garden Plot Act” in Russia

In 2003 the Russian President signed into law a further “Private Garden Plot Act” enabling Russian citizens to receive free of charge from the state, plots of land in private inheritable ownership. Sizes of the plots differ by region but …
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Mithun Center for Urban Agriculture

Conceived as a “living building” which draws resources from its immediate environment to become self-sufficient, the proposal for the Center for Urban Agriculture features gray and rain water collection systems, photovoltaic cells, vegetable gardens, greenhouses and a chicken farm. The …
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Aquaculture in a geodesic dome

“Ever since R. Buckminster Fuller popularized the design in the mid-20th century, there’s been something captivating about the geodesic dome. While the structure typically makes architecture lovers salivate, now it’s conquering the heart of another type of urbanist: the …
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UrbanFarmers develops closed-loop, eco-sustainable, aquaponic production systems whose mission is to produce local food, fish and vegetables, in the city and for the city.
WATCH TED TALK: TEDxZurich – Roman Gaus on urban farming…
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Gotham Greens

Gotham Greens is a professional hydroponic farm sited on the roof of an old bowling alley. The operation is housed in a $2million greenhouse. The operation uses about 700 gallons of water a day, recycling much of it and using …
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Tenth Acre Farms

The Tenth Acre farm started in a backyard, where large raised beds were constructed. The farm soon expanded onto an unused basketball court at a nearby church. The farmers use a CSA and market stall to disribute their produce.
The …
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Sky Vegetables

Sky Vegetables is an entrepreneurial business venture which constructs commercial-scale hydroponic farms on urban rooftops of 10,000 sq ft or more. Their mission is to improve the health and nutrition of city populations and provide new jobs and educational opportunities …
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Edible Estates #10 – Roma Mangia Roma

In Edible Estates #10, Fritz Haeg has organized a farm on the rooftop of the American Academy in Rome. Using containers sourced from the the building (plastic bottles, paper cartons, cardboard boxes, etc.), and a worm bin turns food scraps …
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Lufa Prototype Farm

Lufa Farms responds to a desire to have fresh food that does not require a long journey and multiple steps between its growth and consumption in Montreal. The idea is to create a prototype, that can be replicated. However it …
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Pasona 02

Pasona 02 is a 1 sq. km. farm in the basement of a 27-storey in Tokyo’s business district. Growing more than 100 plants using hydroponics, climate control, and flourescent light reflected by the silver foil paper walls, the farm provides …
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Plantages de Bourdonnette

The work of the redevelopment of the Bourdonnette neighborhood began in 1998, with an overall project of public spaces. The Municipality responded to the desire of the Foundation for Lausanne housing (FLCL) and its tenants to upgrade infrastructure and improve …
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n55 City Farming Plant Modules Manual

The City farming plant module is an inexpensive method to create floating plant modules using off the shelf products. Using a semi-permeable cloth, soil and a soaker hose; modular planting units can be arranged however is desired, as long as …
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Kippen House Chicken house and roof garden

The Kippen House is a modular chicken coop that can fit in small yards or urban spaces. In addition to the chicken roost, space along the walls and roof are used as planters for small food gardens. They are made …
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Chef’s Farm

The “Chef’s Farm” is a small hydroponic greenhouse that can be installed in a restaurant and can produce 20,000 heads of lettuce per year. It fits into a kitchen and it supplies fresh vegetables on command with the utmost convenience.…
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