“Working at a range of scales and with a variety of practical and theoretical models, we will review and elaborate definitions of sustainable food systems, and begin to define ways of achieving them. To this end 4 different themes have been defined as entry-points into the discussion of ‘sustainable food planning’. These are (1) Urban Agriculture, (2) Urban-Rural Linkages, (3) Community Food Systems Food and (4) Urban Food Strategies.”
- Urban Agriculture (convenor Andre Viljoen)
- Urban-Rural Linkages (convenors Terry Marsden and Arthur Getz)
- Community Food Systems Food (convenors Roberta Sonnino and Alex Franklin)
- Urban Food Strategies (convenors Kevin Morgan and Tom Andrews)
Contact: AESOP2011@cardiff.ac.uk
Conference Organising Committee
Kevin Morgan,
Terry Marsden,
Andre Viljoen,
Han Wiskerke.
Visit site: www.cardiff.ac.uk/research/sustainableplaces/news/aesop/index.html