After the great success of the first Day of Urban Agriculture in 2012, will take place on April 25, 2013 the 2nd edition in the Doelen in Rotterdam. During this National Platform in broad perspective the opportunities and constraints of urban agriculture and urban-oriented agriculture in the Netherlands treated. You meet entrepreneurs, governments and other stakeholders and exchange ideas with each other on how urban agriculture can respond to the needs of the city. There are issues discussed as:
- How do you approach these initiatives in practice?
- What opportunities exist for entrepreneurs?
- What are real opportunities and barriers?
Themes in 2013
In addition to initiatives in the city, this year special attention to:
- Regional perspective : how to approach urban agriculture in the regional context? What role urban agriculture and urban-oriented agriculture in the regional food chain?
- Entrepreneurship and economics : how can entrepreneurship be promoted and what opportunities are there for the food and agri business?
- Social projects : how do you ensure the optimum outcome for communities and neighborhoods?What ‘social business model “can you use?
Unique program
Besides a main plenary with state-of-the-art speakers, there is a wide range of practical and inspirational sessions . Much has been said and written about urban agriculture, how you can be used in practice to get started and what are the experiences of your colleagues? During breaks, please visit the information. New this year is the tour on Wednesday, April 24, where some urban agriculture projects and businesses in and around Rotterdam can experience.