M.E.P La Casaz

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Le MEP de la Casaz, à Bulle vise la qualité d’intégration paysagère d’un nouvel ensemble de logements dans un tissu villageois de faible densité. Le site, à proximité immédiate du centre, offre un cadre paysager exceptionnel bénéficiant de vues remarquables, …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains

Le Bey Block _BBA

Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Le 56 – Ecointerstice

1228 ecointerstice 56-WP

‘Le 56′ is located on a formerly unused piece of land which had remained undeveloped due to outstanding conflicts between building developers and the municipality. In an attempt to resolve the issue, the commune of Paris invited Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée …
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Civil Eats

1050 civil eats

Civil Eats promotes critical thought about sustainable agriculture and food systems as part of building economically and socially just communities. In our efforts, we support the development of a dialog among local and national leaders about the American food system, …
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1024 Agromere

The city of Almere (30 km east of Amsterdam) has to double in size (190,000 towards 350,000 inhabitants) over the next 20 years. This summer Almere launched its plans for this so called ‘Scale Jump Almere 2030′ (Almere 2.0). East …
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1191 Hyperlocavore P

Hyperlocavore, A Yardsharing Community, connects people who have space to grow with people who are willing to do the growing. A website allows user to search for either space or a willing garden in their area. Establishing this connection between …
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Hen Park: NYC Parking day 2009


With the ongoing efforts in New York to combat hunger and poor nutrition among residents and to increase access to healthy foods, Hen PARK encourages New York residents to leave a space in their heart and in their designer handbags …
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1006 Hydrogenerator P

The HydroGENERATOR transforms an abandoned rail line in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Chicago into a 3 mile long greenhouse and hydrogen generator that provides 10 acres of farm land year round and powers city schools. It responds to the belief …
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