Brooklyn Grange

Brooklyn Grange 2010

Brooklyn Grange Farm is a 1-acre rooftop garden on top of a 1919 industrial building in Queens, New York. The Farm is a commercial enterprise, selling produce to restaurants and businesses, as well as directly to the consumer through two …
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1037 Boatanica

Boatanic is a new concept in its beginning stages, led by Damian O’Sullivan and supported by the Enviu team, that plans to revolutionize urban farming.

The idea is to revive formerly active tourist boats, used to travel down city canals …
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Tenth Acre Farms

1162 tenth acre p2

The Tenth Acre farm started in a backyard, where large raised beds were constructed. The farm soon expanded onto an unused basketball court at a nearby church. The farmers use a CSA and market stall to disribute their produce.

The …
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Greensgrow Farms

1097 Greengrow P2

Encompassing a entire city block in North Philadelphia’s gridded urban layout, Greensgrow Farm is situated on the former site of a galvanized steel plant which is designated as a brownfield site by the United States Environmental Protect Agency. The farm …
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Eagle Street Rooftop Farms

1062 eagle street 2

Eagle Street Rooftop Farm is a large rooftop garden in a dense urban area. The building owners worked with Goode Green to develop and install the base greenroof. Crops are planted in 10 – 15cm of soil and 3 bee …
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Eli’s Vinegar Factory

1016 P2

Eli’s Vinegar Factory attempts to cut the food miles that the products must take to the shortest distance. Some of the food is grown in a roof greenhouse and trellis garden. The majority is sourced from upstate New York farmers. …
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