Hantz Farms Detroit

1101 hantz farm detroit portrait

Hantz Farms Detroit aims to create the world’s largest urban farm. As Detroits population and economy have declined over the years, much of the city is vacant or dispersed across the city limits. John Hantz sees urban agriculture as a …
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Earthworks Farm

1064 Earthworks Farm

Earthworks Farm is the first and oldest organic farm in detroit and is an extension of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, a Catholic soup kitchen serving the area’s poor. The seven farms (encompassing 20 lots) are spread over 2 blocks. A …
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City Slicker Farms

1049 City Slickers Farm P

City Slicker Farms is a network of seven farms that operate to provide greater food security by distributing fresh produce on a donation-only basis to the community. The largest of the farms is 1.4 acres and houses farm beds, orchards, …
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