Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!

“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains

Le Bey Block _BBA

Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Plantages de Lausanne

1200 portrait

The city master plan for Lausanne revealed a need for more urban garden space. To achieve this, the city identified underused spaces in dense neighborhoods across the city, and equipped them with modest infrastructure to support gardening.  Each allotment space …
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The “Private Garden Plot Act” in Russia

1198 Russia

In 2003 the Russian President signed into law a further “Private Garden Plot Act” enabling Russian citizens to receive free of charge from the state, plots of land in private inheritable ownership. Sizes of the plots differ by region but …
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Central Park, Nangan, Matsu Islands

1044 Matsu Agricultural Park China D P

The island is part of the democratic entity in Lienchiang County of the Fujian Province of the Republic of China (ROC). The government gave the local government the ability to create their own central “square”. The town and citizens decided …
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