Quartier de la praille, genève


Ce site est appréhendé comme une articulation majeure entre différentes formes et activités urbaines (concentration des grands axes de communication, plate-forme multimodale, quartiers d’affaires,  quartiers d’habitations etc.), entre grandes entités paysagères identitaires de la région et espaces urbains genevois.

L’image …
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Dakakker Urban Rooftop Farm

1241 Dakakker

As part of the 5th International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam, the Rotterdam Test Site has included the city’s first rooftop garden on top of the Schieblock building. The garden houses vegetables. herbs and bees, with the produce being distributed to local …
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Casa Huerta

1042 Casa Huerta Buenos Aires e P

Casa Huerta is a group of young professionals from various design fields working to address the health and infrastructural needs of the rapidly urbanizing cities in Brazil. By working with agronomists, the group has developed prototypes of “house and garden” …
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