Artscape Wychwood Barns

1918 artscape

Adaptive reuse projects maintain connections to our past while conserving resources through the reuse of materials. Depending on location and use, they can also benefit communities by revitalizing neighborhoods. The Artscape Wychwood Barns project in Toronto is one such case. …
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Growing Power Vertical Farm

1231 vertical farm

The vertical farm will expand and improve Growing Power’s greenhouse and aquaponics operations currently spread over a two-acre site located in the City of Milwaukee. Five stories of south-facing greenhouse will allow the production of plants, vegetables, and herbs year-round. …
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Brick City Urban Farms and EarthBoxes

1063 Earthboxes

Brick City Urban Farms began using EarthBoxes when they created an urban farm (with the help of the newly elected mayor) on an unused parcel of land in Newark. The soil on this plot was polluted and unsuitable for growing …
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