
My Master Thesis in Urban Agriculture_Roma Tre University a.a.2012/2013

The thesis develops a research project in  Rome suburbs and it takes account of an area where is expected the edification of 2 new neighborhoods for 4500 inhabitants.
We asked ourselves …
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NYC Public Access Orchard

1017 NYC public access orchard

Newtown Pippin Restoration are reintroducing and cultivating the historically significant Newton Pippin apple tree in New York by donating trees to local community gardens, schools, environmental groups and other public spaces to ensure the trees can be publicly accessed.
The …
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Green thumb

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GreenThumb provides programming and material support to over 500 community gardens in New York City. Workshops, which are the access point for supplies, are held every month of the year, covering gardening basics to more advanced farming and community organizing …
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