AGRI-Culture – ville et champs, Geneva 2014

Villes et champs 26022013 PLAN 1TO250_MT


AGRI-Culture addresses three basic topics: the recovery and reclamation of water, the growing, planting, harvesting and

celebrating of food and the appropriation and animation of place.


Rainwater harvesting is an essential component to successful
urban agriculture projects. …
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Lausanne Jardins Persp2 130314 MT_flatten


Earthling + Seedling addresses the preciousness of resources such as water and energy, the cycle of growing, planting,
harvesting and enjoying plants for food and the relationships of people and place.


Water is a resource which …
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M.E.P La Casaz

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Le MEP de la Casaz, à Bulle vise la qualité d’intégration paysagère d’un nouvel ensemble de logements dans un tissu villageois de faible densité. Le site, à proximité immédiate du centre, offre un cadre paysager exceptionnel bénéficiant de vues remarquables, …
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Chamard châtelard, Yverdon-les-bains

Le Bey Block _BBA

Suite à l’abandon du projet de canal Rhin-Rhône, et la disponibilité consécutive de larges espaces auparavant réservés, Agglo y a lancé un MEP visant à définir les conditions d’aménagement de ce secteur partiellement bâti situé aux portes de la ville, …
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Les Plaines-du-Loup, Métamorphose

Metamorphose 1

Permettant d’associer la production alimentaire à une démarche urbanistique, le projet de concours VWA pour les Plaines-du-Loup considère l’activité agricole comme un élément qualifiant les espaces libres du quartier et lui conférant une forte identité. Ne cherchant pas à concurrencer …
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Edible Campus – The University of Quebec, Montreal

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Campus Comestibles is a set of four initiatives for four university campuses. Montreal students are working hard to promote urban agriculture and eventually be able to feed themselves thanks to the university’s production. The University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) …
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Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson Community Garden

1917 50cent

“50 Cent” Jackson Community Garden, initially called Baisley Park Community Garden, is inspired by the Kitchen Gardens of Villandry, France. The formal geometry in the gardens essentially provides the framework for the landscape’s design, creating playful spaces for children and …
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Community garden in le parc de Beaulieu

1089 Parc beaulieu panorama

The UAC (Community action unit of Geneva city) initiated a garden plots’ project within the public realm for the use of local residents. The occupied area was originally only 310 m2. However in 2010 the collective group Beaulieu, a group …
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NYC Public Access Orchard

1017 NYC public access orchard

Newtown Pippin Restoration are reintroducing and cultivating the historically significant Newton Pippin apple tree in New York by donating trees to local community gardens, schools, environmental groups and other public spaces to ensure the trees can be publicly accessed.
The …
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Colony farm

Colony Farm Regional Park Map

The Colony Regional Farm Sustainability Plan (COLSP) outlines a future where Colony Farm is a physical and virtual place for research, learning, and experimentation into the integration of sustainable food systems, wildlife, recreation and community. The concept of an on-site …
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Franklin permaculture garden

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The UMass Permaculture Initiative is a unique sustainability program that converts unproductive grass lawns on campus into ecological, socially responsible, and financially sustainable permaculture landscapes that are easy to replicate. The permaculture garden provides food for the campus dining facilities …
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Beacon food forest

1248 beacon food forest portrait

Funded in part by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and maintained by dozens of volunteers, the Beacon food forest contains fruit and nut trees, mulberry bushes and snack paths of strawberries to create an edible forest. With permaculture principles at …
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Strathcona and Cottonwood Community Gardens

1157 Strathcona

Strathcona Gardens is an organic community garden run by the Stathcona Community Gardeners Society. Members of the community can acquire a plot by paying a small fee and coming to required “work parties”. The garden uses a rainwater cistern, a …
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Central Park, Nangan, Matsu Islands

1044 Matsu Agricultural Park China D P

The island is part of the democratic entity in Lienchiang County of the Fujian Province of the Republic of China (ROC). The government gave the local government the ability to create their own central “square”. The town and citizens decided …
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Loutet Park

1027 Loutet Park P

The Loutet Park Farm is a pilot project which seeks to address a wide range of issues of urban quality through the creation of an urban farm in an under-used portion of a public park in Vancouver, British Columbia. The …
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