Troy Gardens

1277 Troy

Troy Garden is growing certified organic food including a community garden, a school training programs and a Community farm of 6 ha. The aim of the project are: learn to grow and prepare array of garden vegetables and fruits, increase …
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Queen Elizabeth Health Centre Rooftop garden

1144 Queen Elizabeth

The container garden is a project of Biotop-AAC, a company set up by Valiquette and the agriculture department to find commercial applications. The garden produced more than 113 kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables in it’s first year and the …
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Vivero Organoponico Alamar

1026 Alamar Food Coop P2

The central part of this cooperative endeavor is built from recycled materials: wood, tin roofing, hand painted signs and one building with windows that clearly came from a bus. Eighty tons of food per acre are produce on the site …
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44th Street Organiponico

1022 P

Situated in concrete raised beds in an old parking lot, the 44th St. Organoponico garden fertilizes the soil using worm compost and magnetizes the water to reduce the build up of minerals in the beds. They use plants such as …
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