AGRI-Culture – ville et champs, Geneva 2014

Villes et champs 26022013 PLAN 1TO250_MT


AGRI-Culture addresses three basic topics: the recovery and reclamation of water, the growing, planting, harvesting and

celebrating of food and the appropriation and animation of place.


Rainwater harvesting is an essential component to successful
urban agriculture projects. …
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Growing Power Vertical Farm

1231 vertical farm

The vertical farm will expand and improve Growing Power’s greenhouse and aquaponics operations currently spread over a two-acre site located in the City of Milwaukee. Five stories of south-facing greenhouse will allow the production of plants, vegetables, and herbs year-round. …
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Deltapark Agropark

1060 Deltapark

The Delta Park represents a combination of non-land-reliant intensive sectors with industrial processing, located on an industrial estate in an urban setting. It combines glasshouse horticulture, protein production, abattoirs, meat processing, waste sorting, recycling, product processing, bio-refinery, the production of …
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